
Start With Clickbank

If you want to start out earning money on the internet, the quickest and easiest way is to be an affiliate for someone else's product. An affiliate marketer is similar to a sales rep. An affiliate promotes someone else's product and is paid a percentage of the sale price.

The best type of product to promote is an information product because there is no stock to store, delivery is instant, and the profits are high.

The best place to get started with information products is Clickbank. Clickbank is the world's leader in marketing digital products. Since 1998, Clickbank has helped product vendors and their affiliates to sell their products. They now have over 12,000 digital product vendors and more than 100,000 active affiliates.

Clickbank has nearly paid out 1 billion dollars and makes a sale every 3 seconds in over 200 countries across the globe.

Clickbank has become the world leader because they offer higher commissions than other affiliate networks, have reliable tracking and payment services, have a 60 day return policy (for buyers protection and peace of mind) and are dedicated to customer service.

You can sign up for a free account by following the easy instructions. You will need to choose a 'nickname', which will be visible to the public, and can't be changed, so make sure you have a good one ready.

You can promote as many products as you like. The products with high gravity are the most popular among affiliate marketers. You should probably try these first as they sell well. Have a look at the products available in the marketplace. You'll be surprised at the range of subjects covered. Make sure you check out the sales pitch page. If you like the look of the page and would buy the product yourself, then it is likely others would buy it too.

Clickbank has easy to follow instructions for getting your 'hoplink'. Your 'hoplink' is the address you send people to so they can see the sales page. This is important because it tells Clickbank you are the one who is responsible for this sale and your commission is calculated from this information.

The Clickbank website has lots of information. Have a look around and read some of the FAQ's for more information. It is a great way to learn more about marketing. You can even think about creating your own information product and selling it on Clickbank.

Wendy Streater's friend Mack earned 2.6 million in 9 months. He has shown others, and he can show you how to do it, too.

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